We are a group of experts in product design, research, content, strategy and business management.

Portrait of Alisha Dopkin

Alisha Dopkin

Stage Director
Alisha has one belief in life: be fierce. She brings a relentless enthusiasm to the table, managing teams to see products to the finish line. She gives everything 100 percent, whether that’s organizing a project, hoarding beloved rescue pets, or ripping laps on the local ski mountain with her daughter in tow.
  • Project Management
  • Roadmapping
  • Design Workshops
  • Research
  • Business & Technical Processes
  • Based in Colorado
Portrait of Andre Mohr

Andre Mohr

Head Honcho
Andre has a passion for bringing a human experience to a digital world. He has 20 years doing Product design for frog, Microsoft, and AOL, among others. A native German now residing in New York, Andre’s (not so) secret resume includes DJ, snowboarder, photographer, and sommelier. He’s also father to a well-mannered daughter and a rambunctious pup.
  • Human-Centered Design
  • Design Workshops
  • Ideation Facilitation
  • User Research
  • Creative Direction
  • Based in New York
Portrait of Haley Love

Haley Love

Haley is so good at helping people fix their UX hang-ups we call her "The Operator." With 10+ years in the biz, she’s made games, sites, apps and everything else. If you plan to visit Haley, her husband and their son in beautiful Portland, OR, please bring your own snowboard or Ultimate disc.
  • Visual Design
  • Branding
  • Usability Testing
  • Interaction Design
  • Based in Oregon
Portrait of Alan Dickinson

Alan Dickinson

Track(pad) Star
Alan got his start designing for a local ad agency before graduating high school. Now he’s a seasoned designer with experience leading projects for startups and fortune 500 businesses. He’s a serial learner and moves fluidly between interaction design, research, branding, and frontend engineering. When he’s not basking in the glow of a backlit display, Alan can be found chasing his 1 year old son, cutting back the bamboo creeping towards his house, or driving to Home Depot.
  • Interaction Design
  • User Research
  • Visual Design
  • Prototyping
  • Front-end Engineering
  • Based in North Carolina
Portrait of Sam Kang

Sam Kang

The Mechanic
Sam has a natural curiosity which started as a kid taking apart and putting back together all the machines in his house. It later manifested itself through digital games, multi user experiences, and online entertainment for all ages. These days that curiosity helps drive serious change for serious clients (and the not so serious). Off the clock, Sam hangs out with his two kids and wife in glorious Northern New Jersey.
  • Interaction Design
  • Visual Design
  • Branding
  • Motion Design
  • Prototyping
  • Based in New York
Portrait of Laura Zimbaldi

Laura Zimbaldi

Project Maven
Laura knows how to run a project like she knows the back of her hand. It's fair to say that Laura kicks butt at pretty much everything. She has years of experience working on every kind of project - including jet engines(!!!), and brings a sense of humor and a killer sense of style to her work. When she's not managing to perfection, she's teaching her three kids how to boat, crush it on the ski slopes and sweat awesomeness.
  • Project Management
  • Roadmapping
  • Design Workshops
  • Research
  • Technical & Business Processes
  • Based in New York
Portrait of Jorge De La Garza

Jorge De La Garza

Project Doula
Jorge has been supporting projects for years, guiding their growth and transition with care and enthusiasm. His experience is wide-ranging, including product and process design, media strategy development, content creation, and experiential event production. When he’s not talking about contracts and timelines, he's creating project plans for complicated dinners, testing recipes, and working on his faux taxidermy obsession.
  • Project Management
  • Roadmapping
  • Design Workshops
  • Research
  • Technical & Business Processes
  • Based in New York
Portrait of Adam Richardson

Adam Richardson

The Maestro
Adam earned his team moniker because he’s not only a jack of all trades, he’s a master of them all too. He’s built up a wide range of expertise through the years from user research, to experience design, to product strategy and management. We’re not sure where he finds the time, but Adam also does really rad things outside of work like collecting vintage electronics, photography, archery, and working on his many acres of land.
  • User Research
  • Strategy Direction
  • Design Workshops
  • Roadmapping
  • Based in Maryland
Portrait of Amy Fisher

Amy Fisher

Amy is our social media expert and content strategist. With an adventurous spirit and a discerning eye, she distills complicated messages into approachable prose. For 15 years she has been crafting her writing and editing skills in various roles and industries. When she’s not nerding out on grammar and social media analytics, you can find her running or biking Colorado mountain trails with her husband and two daughters.
  • Content Strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Social Media
  • Based in Colorado
Portrait of Richard Merrick

Richard Merrick

The Generator
Richard is the person you want in a creative brainstorm, generating ideas as if it’s his job. With a background in game development, he knows his way around the human brain, what motivates people and why. When he’s not looking for UX opportunities, you can find him rock climbing or constructing epic LEGO structures with his son.
  • Design Strategy
  • Interaction Design
  • Design Workshops
  • Research
  • Based in London

And though she be but little, she is fierce.

Our small team packs a big punch, with a diverse range of specializations and skillsets. Our flexible and nimble structure helps us integrate seamlessly into teams from organizations of all sizes to do great work with minimal overhead.

  • Seeing the Big Picture
  • Putting Users First
  • Prioritizing
  • Giving into Demands
  • Finding Balance
  • Strategizing
  • Lighting Fires
  • Putting out Fires
  • Buying Kegerators
  • Listening
  • Snacking
  • Listening to Podcasts
  • Discriminating
  • Snowboarding & Skiing
  • Putzing Around
  • Drinking (lots of) Wine

Mohr is More. Let's make something memorable together.